About our
company : Bangkok Aqua
Plus Co.,Ltd. |
We are biggest collector , trading and ornamental
tropical fish exporter
company that supplies high quality
of tropical fish in southeast Asia
base in Thailand.
and we have network of tropical
fish breeding and importer and
supply ornamental fish.
We are specialized in export live freshwater
tropical fish from Thailand We are experienced
for export lives tropical fishes and water
plants since 1996 accepting by all customer (importers
and transshippered) worldwide including USA ,
Europe , and countries of the Middle East .
Its quality , size , standard of packing and
transportation ensure customer of their
satisfaction at all cost . our experience can
guarantee you for safety, secure and on time
delivery and we have the most species of
fresh water fishes for your request and
reasonable price.
Our company pass control the quality of farm
for export from Inland Aquatic Animal Health
Research Institute, Department of Fisheries
of Thailand, Exporter registered no.
and Farm registered no.TH1031030056 (Mr.Witun
Runsuk) and TH1031160003 (Bangkok Aqua PLus
Co.,LTd.) .That
confirmation the quality of all
ornamental aquarium fish
aquatic plants from our company.
We use packing machine for
packing Betta fish , Discus fish ,
African cichlid and some of
serious fish on transportation. That be sure
our customer receive fish on good conditions
for business. and we use Aqua-Clipper
sealing systems for seal transportation bags
(double-bags) that for security fish on
transportation process and delivery fish to
About our supplies , We have networks of
farming ,they can breeding quality of fish
supply to our company. We source and stock
fishes, feed them with good supply of
nutrients and water to further improve their
health and color. We have established a
network of good farmers, who adopt good
farming management practices, providing
quality fishes, advice and support.
New Page 1
New Page 1
| About us |
Fish |
| Price List |
Fish Clip VDO |
Sample shipment to customer |
Daily activity & news
Water quality |
Policy | How
to Order | Contact
us | Sitemap |
Facebook page |
freight cost
| HM Betta |
2006 - 2024 by www.grandaquatic.com Alright Reserve
Bangkok Aqua Plus Co.,Ltd.
109/61 Soi. Phrayasuren 35, Bangchan, Khlongsamwa, Bangkok, Thailand. 10510.
: sale@grandaquatic.com
, g.aquatic@gmail.com ,
Mobile / SMS/Whatapp +6681 9317413
, Office Tel / Fax +662 9144491 Lind Id :
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if you want to visit our
company , (Please make an appointment in advance. )
Please call 081- 9317413 ,
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