Bangkok Aqua Plus Co.,Ltd : we are exporter live tropical  aquarium fish from Thailand . We export all kind of freshwater fish  that from breeding farm and catch from wide river  in South East Asia. we had experience in export fish more than 15 years and we really know technique and method to handle and carry fish delivery  to our customers all country in worldwide markets.

White Skirt , Purple

Picture :
Group Product ID : GA-2208.2
Common Name : White Skirt , Purple
Scientific Name : Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
: ***
for more details of size and price , please contact for update
Remark : : pH : 6 - 7.5 Temperature : 75°F - 80°F (24°C - 27°C) Water Hardness : 5° to 20° dH
Clip VDO or Condition   : Discount 5% - 25% ,Please Contact Sale

 "Thank you for owner of clip VDO and Thank you"

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Copyright 2006 - 2024  by  Alright Reserve 

Bangkok Aqua Plus Co.,Ltd.

109/61 Soi. Phrayasuren 35, Bangchan, Khlongsamwa, Bangkok, Thailand. 10510.
email  : , ,

Mobile / SMS/Whatapp +6681  9317413  , Office  Tel / Fax +662 9144491   Lind Id : grandaquatic

Facebook page :    follow Instagram : grandaquatic_thailand

if you want to visit our company , (Please make an appointment in advance. )

Please call 081- 9317413 , 081-8098849

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